ShopSite 11 SP1 – A Must Have Upgrade
ShopSite has just released version 11 SP1 of its award-winning ecommerce software. We are excited about this new version, as it has a number of great new features and enhancements.
This version has been extensively tested by ShopSite, by us, and a number of our merchants, and is a “must have” upgrade for any ShopSite merchant.
Here are a few highlighted new features and tips with 11 SP1…
Amazon Checkout
It seems like everyone has an Amazon account these days. Now you can make shopping in your store as easy as shopping at Amazon!
Simply sign up for Amazon checkout as a merchant, add an Amazon checkout button to your cart, and you’re up and running. Your customers can now click the Amazon button, sign into their Amazon account, and easily complete their purchase from *your* store.

Amazon Checkout Button
It’s a great way to add another payment option that many of your customers will use and appreciate. And easier checking out means better sales numbers!
Google Product Search updates
SP1 adds support for all the new Google Product Search requirements – Availability, Category, and Apparel related changes. If you use Google Product Search to submit your products, you’ll need this version of ShopSite to keep it working seamlessly.
If you sell apparel, you can now map your ordering options (either Basic or Advanced) to submit color, size, gender, and/or age group. This is now required by Google.
Tip: If you previously used an extra product field for Availability or Google Product Category, you can easily map these to the new fields in ShopSite. Simply download the SKU field and the extra product fields that correspond to these options, and re-upload mapping the extra product fields to the new availability and product category fields in 11 SP1. (*** If all of your products are “in stock” for this field, that is the default availability option in SP1. You can simply disable your extra product field from being sent to Google and you’re all set.)
Mobile Website support
A recent Internet Retailer report stated that mobile is expected to account for 10-15% of all holiday purchases this year. Although your individual store may not see this high a percentage, it’s certain that mobile shoppers will visit your store this Christmas.
Now it’s easy to add a mobile website to your store. With 11 SP1, you can enable this new feature (Preferences -> Mobile), set up your header, footer, layout, etc… and ShopSite will create a mobile version of your site, from your main web pages through check out. Shoppers will have the option to view your mobile site or switch back to your main website.
Not sure how to populate a mobile site? Check out this blog post from Lauren, Is Your Site Ready For Mobile Commerce. It contains some great tips and best practices to make a great mobile site.
If you do enable mobile support, make sure you test it on a variety of mobile phones and devices to insure it will work correctly, and to your liking. Note that mobile pages can not support PHP code, and javascript should be used sparingly if at all. The default mobile templates will avoid these issues and use mobile best practices.
If you use custom templates, you’ll need to add a few new ShopSite tags to make it work:
In the <head> region of your page:
<span style="color: #008000;">[-- IF SS_MOBILE --][-- MOBILE_JAVASCRIPT --][-- END_IF --]</span> |
Near the top of your page where you want the switch to mobile/regular site links:
<span style="color: #008000;">[-- IF SS_MOBILE --][-- SS_MOBILE_REDIRECT --][-- END_IF --]</span> <span style="color: #008000;">[-- IF SS_MOBILE_PC --] [-- SS_MOBILE_PC --][-- END_IF --]</span> |
Google +1 button
As the popularity of the Google +1 button increases, many people think it will be another signal to help boost SEO ranking. With Sp1, it’s a snap to add this new button to your pages.
If you have custom templates, two new tags are needed:
In the <head> region:
<span style="color: #008000;">[-- IF GOOGLE_PLUSONE --][-- GOOGLE_PLUSONE script --][-- END_IF --]</span> |
Where you want the button to appear:
<span style="color: #008000;">[-- IF GOOGLE_PLUSONE --]<div id="plusone">[-- GOOGLE_PLUSONE tag --]</div>[-- END_IF --]</span> |
Iframe Order Anywhere links
This is a great addition for anyone that uses their own buy now buttons but wishes they could have the price / text update automatically. Now you can embed iframe code in your custom pages and whenever you update the price, description, or ordering options for a product in ShopSite, your web pages will update automatically.
Move advanced ordering options
Sounds like a simple thing, but this will save merchants a lot of time that use the new advanced ordering options. Now you can drag and drop the order of these items. No more putting a new size at the bottom. Simply drag it up above the other sizes, in the middle, or wherever you want it to appear.
If you’re hosted with us, you may request the ShopSite 11 SP1 upgrade on our website.
If you’re not hosted with us, and your host is not offering the latest v11 of ShopSite, we offer a seamless ShopSite migration to bring you over to LexiConn with no downtime, and little to no re-work. And you’ll have access to our numerous add-on modules as well as personalized support by everyone here that knows ShopSite inside and out.
Looking for a web host that understands ecommerce and business hosting?
Check us out today!
ShopSite has released a comprehensive list of all new 11 SP1 custom template tags at: